Parents greatly affect their children’s behaviour. Children are like sponges- they model everything a parent does and incorporate what they see into their own lives. It is important that parents set the right examples for their children. Negative examples can be detrimental to a child’s development and can lead to bad behaviour.
Several actions and incidences could make you a bad parent. Here are a few examples of bad parenting that you must avoid in parenting—
- REPRIMANDING THE CHILD EXCESSIVELY: If your child does something detrimental and you reprimand or scold him excessively for the mistake, it can have a negative influence on your child. This practice can have a worse effect if your child has displayed honesty and has confessed to making a mistake.

- DISCIPLINING THE CHILD IN FRONT OF EVERYONE: You might lose your patience and scold, yell or even hit your child in front of others. This will have a serious impact on your child’s confidence and the feeling of shame arising from the method of discipline will be hard to shake off.
- ALL ADVICE, NO ENCOURAGEMENT: You dispense advice about everything, from brushing teeth to picking the right clothes rather than encouraging your child with support.

- WITHHOLDING AFFECTION: You do not give your child hugs or say “I LOVE YOU” to your child often. This will make your child officially disconnected from you.

- NOT SETTING RULES: Children need structure and boundaries to grow up to be healthy individuals. If the child doesn’t grow with discipline, then he/she will suffer in situations outside the home environment.
- LACK OF SUPPORT: Children need support, especially during stressful times like a performance at school or examinations. You could be more concerned about your work, and this might leave your child feeling anxious.
- COMPARING YOUR CHILD: You constantly tell your child that he/she should be like other children and emulate their positive traits. This is a sign of bad parenting.
- NOT PROUD OF HIS/HER ACHIEVEMENTS: You never praise your child for achievements and do not show pride and motivate them in their hard work.
- USING A CRITICISING TONE: Using a tone that shows disapproval of all your child’s actions will leave a negative mark on him.
- NOT RESPECTING HIS/ HER FEELINGS: You do not take the time to have a conversation with your child and understand his/her feelings. When opinions and feelings are disregarded and not addressed in a healthy manner, it could adversely affect kids.
- BEING A POOR EXAMPLE: Your child will pick up on your habits and behaviours. You might want to think about why and where your child has picked up a particular behaviour from.

- NOT GIVING HIM/HER A CHOICE: You do not give your child a choice and instead expect him/her to do something because you said so.
- TOO MUCH PAMPERING: You might think that your child is the most special but for the rest of the world he/she is just another child. Making him/her feel entitled could lead to bad behaviour that causes social isolation.
- BEING OVERPROTECTIVE: You protect your child from any imaginable danger out there. This will make your child fearful and afraid of taking any type of risk, from making new friends to trying new activities.
- LACK OF TRUST: You do not allow your child to make decisions because you are sure that they will be the wrong choices or you do not them.
- NOT GIVING YOUR TIME: You are always too busy to talk or play with your child or just have no interest to do these things. Being a guide to your phone screen while your child is talking to you can make them feel neglected.
Bad parenting can have a lasting adverse impact on your child in terms of behaviour and psychology. Here are a few impacts of bad parenting-
- Antisocial behaviour:
When your child doesn’t consider how his actions might affect others, it is known as antisocial behaviour. A severe form of this can lead to substance abuse, mental health problems, crime, and poor health. Bad parenting actions like parental parenting drug abuse, domestic violence and maternal depression usually contribute to this condition. This is also observed in children whose parents displayed critical, negative and coercive behaviour.
- Poor resilience:
Children learn how to cope with emotional, mental and physical trauma from seeing how their parents deal with any hardships themselves. In this case, bad parenting comes in the form of not shielding the child from a crisis or not being able to handle negative emotions, which in turn, rubs off on the child.
- Depression:
Many studies have shown that parents who have a negative approach will have children with a higher susceptibility to depression. Bad parenting actions that lead to depression include low levels of emotional and physical support physical punishment and an unhealthy expression of negative emotions.
- Aggression:
Many studies have shown that kindergarteners who have explosive anger issues usually have a poor relationship with their mothers. Negative parenting techniques like rough handling and expressing negative emotions towards the child during infancy will cause the child to have high levels of anger.
- Lack of empathy
If the child is treated with different behaviour then chances are high that they will behave in the same way with others outside.
- Difficulty with relationship:
Parents who do not help their child to express their emotions healthily will find that their children are unable to maintain friendships. Bad parenting also causes the child to question the trust and develop low self-confidence.
How to be a good parent:
- Do not shout at your child
- Give reasons
- Set rules
- Give your child choices
- Listen
- Be a good example
- Don’t raise your hand
- Insulate reward and punishment.
- Don’t suffocate your child.

Find more about behavioural intervention from our experts at blossoms physiotherapy and child rehabilitation in dhakoli.
It is a multispecialty rehabilitation centre which has been proving services in the field of child rehab. Dr. jyoti gupta (pt), a paediatric physiotherapist started her journey with the view of providing the best platform for the children with special needs. She has a great team of experts who give their guidance and parents in the upbringing of their children.
Keep in touch with blossomsphysiotherapy for more updates.